
Check out Ann's appearances and bylines on podcasts, at events, and in publications!

Podcast Interviews

Click the image to listen to the episode—and reach out to Ann to have her on your podcast (or recommend her to your favorite show)!

Christian marketing Show

Book Proposal tips and tricks with Ann Kroeker

The Hope Prose Podcast

Novel thoughts & On being a writer with Ann kroeker

Become a writer today

Self-Publishing vs traditional with ann kroeker

write now workshop

how to find the right coach: an interview with ann kroeker

Fable & the verbivore

Interview with ann kroeker

all things writing

Meet the writing coach ann kroeker

branded podcast secrets

building her clientele through bite-sized content

author your dream

the value of a writing coach with ann kroeker

The Omnibus Show

Ann Kroeker, Writing Coach, Published Author, and Professional Speaker


Bring ann on your show to discuss curiosity, creativity, productivity & Writing





Articles & Guest Posts

Ann has been a contributing writer for Tweetspeak Poetry, ByFaith Magazine, and The High Calling. Select articles are featured below.

Book Love: Of Tractors and Mockingbirds

I said my goal was for students to appreciate literature. Secretly, though, my goal was for the kids to love literature. I wanted them to experience book love.

Memoir Notebook: Writing the Fragile

In memoir, how do you write what is fragile? Maybe first you have to live it. Courageously remember it. Then tap the fragile in yourself.

Coming Home to Scotland and Scottish Poetry

Surprised by Scotland, a writer finds herself taken by her past, her present with Scottish poets, and maybe (who knows) her future.

Teaching Poetry to Children: There Are So Many Blues

“Oh, my kids aren’t poetic at all, ” she said. “Prepare yourself for a big flop.” Ann Kroeker takes on the challenge of teaching poetry to children.

Come Again: Teaching Poetry to Children

Ann Kroeker reflects on teaching poetry to her children through such simple routines and rituals as reading poetry at the dinner table.

Poetry for Life: Mind's Eye Poetry—Rewriting Dementia

Mind’s Eye Poetry connects with dementia patients, engaging their minds and memories to create poems on the spot.

Our Spiritual Social Dilemma

Instead of abandoning social media or limiting ourselves to following only those who think exactly like us, what if we engage in a purposeful, discerning way that brings hope and truth and joy to a place that can feel increasingly dark?

Nurturing a Holy Curiosity

 When we root ourselves in truth, a holy curiosity can lead to a deepening awe that increases our faith in God. Curious Christians find themselves living with energy and hope, eager to learn and obey God and see Him work in their lives and in this world.

Spiritual Hardiness in a Cushy World

As believers in the Western world, we access conveniences that create easier, more comfortable lives; we take pills and shots to avoid aches and distress. When my husband underwent minor surgery not long ago, the nurse summarized his pain management by saying, “We don’t want you to feel any pain at all.”

Called by Name

At the end of their shift, the girls come home from their work at the kennel exhausted but excited to discuss the antics of each dog, referring to them by name as affectionately and familiarly as they would speak of good friends.

My First Ash Wednesday

The ancient custom of applying ashes, they said, reminds us of the wages of sin; that we are dust and to dust we will return. The ashes remind us that our sins need to be removed by the grace of God in Christ Jesus.

The Lecture

I wondered about The Lecture. Was it corrective or critical? What was in the heart of me, the critic? And how did it affect the heart of my daughter, the one being lectured? I decided to find out. 

Ann's latest articles & podcast episodes